Friday, July 5, 2013

Men Give Advice - Spirit Gives Guidance

A teacher told me long ago; "Never lead others without being led yourself."
Pause for a moment and ask your heart: "What is guiding me?"

We realize that your relationships can work for you or against you. They can stop you in your tracks or transform your life.

Do you have the courage to love through your fears?
Do you have the heart to forgive? Most people don't.
Will you have the wisdom to know when to fight, when to embrace the challenges with gratitude or when to run?

Today's Masters are yesterday's disasters.

Life doesn't come with an instruction manual. When faced with the most complex and important issues of our lives, most of us are on our own.

You know you've learned something when you are living it.

When you took your first steps, it was a challenge. But you had help. You had other 'walkers' to model and gentle hands to pick you up when you fell. Now you walk front, back and sideways without even noticing. You run, jump and dance. (And if you're a woman you could do it all backwards in high heels.)

What you've learned about relationships you are living today

The most prevalent model is Addictive Relationships or "Triangulation" - an energy model whose principal quality is denial of responsibility and control.

Fueled by addiction to Drama and Adrenaline it involves a Victim, a Persecutor and a Savior.
These three roles are co-dependent in sustaining any drama. Each role receives a payoff for maintaining their position in the drama. Each participant may change their role at any time.

The Victim suffers injury and loss. The Persecutor harasses the Victim. The Savior rescues the Victim from their drama. Sound familiar? It is the underlying pattern in every dramatic story.
No wonder the myth of "the perfect one for me" is a multi-billion dollar industry.

Embracing Growth is a way of life that goes beyond 'tips & advice' on getting your mate to behave like you want them to so you can feel better.

It's about discovering your life's true purpose and living it with power and grace.

The 12 Stages of Romantic Relationships and Girl Talk are a guidance system for navigating the perilous landscape of romantic love. We wrote them the generations of young lovers who hold our hearts and futures in their hands.

When your voice is no longer heard what will be your legacy? Will you live a Legacy of Love?

Gregory Morgan

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